Respect Symbol Calligraphy Painting
The symbol for respect calligraphy painting Painting measures 7 x 7 inches and is painted on Chinese rice paper.This calligraphy Painting features the Chinese symbol for Respect Calligraphy Painting and measures 7 x 7 Inches. The Respect Calligraphy Painting Painting is painted on rice paper and it is ready to be framed by a frame store. We recommend this painting be framed by a professional who is familiar with framing watercolor paintings, but if you are good at working with your hands and wish to do this yourself you can still get great results. You can search for more information on this topic.This Chinese Respect Calligraphy Painting calligraphy Painting was painted by Beijing, China artist Mo Yun, whose artwork is sure to appreciate in value over time.

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Item Number: cas-286-sp

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